sabato 9 aprile 2016

Bryan said "When" 1

Today our general, Bryan Fuller, said this (talking about the dress that was won in a auction by a Fannibal):

Then isn't a "if", but a "when"!
And if it's a when... I can count the days. And this is exactly what I'm going to do: counting the days with a little sketch (and a theme) everyday!

Reminder that I don't do only one sketch per day, but I have a series of Hannibal daily sketches (usually more elaborated that the #Bryansaidwhen sketches) that can be seen and request by my patrons on Patreon! Become a patron today for more daily fanarts and requests! YAY!

INDEX of the "Bryan said when"sketches and themes:

  1. Elaborate dishes 
  2. The BAU (and Jimmy and Brian)
  3. Flowers
  4.  Mads Backstage photos 
  5. Alana's suits

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