giovedì 20 luglio 2017

Hannibal daily sketch 260

Edgelakanth  offered us another ko-fi tip! So she could decide the subject of the next daily sketch and... here it is! Willana for you, yay! Since it's really hot and I'm sweating, I decided to do a winter scene in attempt to recreate some cool weather XD
  • Rules for tipping (fannibals edition, because you are privileged XD): If  someone of you wants to leave a tip, can also suggest the next  (Hannibal themed, of course: for other kind of things there are the  commissions!) daily sketch, what do you think? ;) daily sketch, that  usually are suggested only by our patrons!

martedì 18 luglio 2017

Hannibal daily sketch 258

Edgelakanth  offered us our first ko-fi tip! So, we asked her if she wanted to decide the subject of the next daily sketch and... here it is! Willana for you, yay! It's the first time something happened, but... it someone of you wants to leave a tip, can also suggest a daily sketch, what do you think? ;)

This work is also rebloggable (and likable) on Tumblr:

lunedì 17 luglio 2017

Hannibal daily sketch 259

"Con una spada vorrei tagliare quelle gole che cantano d'amore
Vorrei serrare nel gelo le mani che scrivono quei versi d'ardente passione"
Begintoblur (that is also one of our patrons!) offered us a ko-fi tip! Yay, our second tipping! In exchange for this kindness, here's a sketch suggested by this kind fannibal, a sort of crossover between Yuri on Ice and Hannibal, with our beloved Will and Hanni skating on the notes of "Stay close to me".

venerdì 14 luglio 2017

Hannibal Gods part 1 - Men #FullerFeast

What kind of gods Hannibal's characters would be, if they were in American Gods?
Hannibal Lecter as the devil (the idea of him as the actual Lucifer, working as a psychiatrist, is so incredible, I'm thinking of writing a fanfiction...), for the Hannibal cre-ate-ive event Fullerfeast

Ps. This work is also available as print, t-shirt and other super-cool things HERE!

Will Graham as Hades (with Winston as Cerberus, of course).
 This work is also available as print, t-shirt and other super-cool things HERE!

Ps. Bryan Fuller himself appreciated this drawings (and retweeted the first of a thread ;)). Look:

sabato 8 luglio 2017

Hannibal Gods part 1 - Ladies #FullerFeast

What kind of gods Hannibal's characters would be, if they were in American Gods?
Alana Bloom as Dikē,the goddess of justice and the spirit of moral order and fair judgement, for the Hannibal cre-ate-ive event Fullerfeast

This work is also available as print, t-shirt and other super-cool things HERE!

Molly Foster as Lada,  the Slavic Goddess of spring, love, and harmony.
This work is also available too as print, t-shirt and other super-cool things HERE!

mercoledì 5 luglio 2017

Jaye Tyler adventure #Fullerfeast

Hannibal meet Wonderfalls (and the absolutely adorable protagonist of this series, Jaye Tyler) for the Hannibal cre-ate-ive event #Fullerfeast

 Alana Bloom meets Jaye Tyler... they're both played by the same actress ;)

Bonus: Ned the Piemaker from Pushing Daisies and Jaye Tyler, baking together the most delicious pie with the help of an annoying wax lion...

Rebloggable on Tumblr:

lunedì 3 luglio 2017