And here, as every month, a bunch of colorable, mostly Hannibal-themed (ok, totally Hannibal themed, but if you want you can use them in other contexts or as references) linearts with transparent background! Yay!
This time we have 35 linearts.
If you are on Deviantart, you can download the pack at the price of 350 points (it's the attached premium content) HERE ...
But if you are one of my +$5 patrons on Patreon, you can download it
HERE (it's the attached ZIP file) without extra costs (it's one of the many "THANK YOU!" for your
kind support).
Also,just a little reminder that all the patrons will see WIPs and little extras,and all the +$2 patrons can see and suggest the subject of the Hannibal and the daily sketches.

Welcome to Another Hannibal Artblog! This is our personal artblog, all dedicated to Hannibal (and related things ;)). In this blog you will see all our Hannibal fanarts, work in progress, comics, projects, fanfictions and useful links. All about Hannibal. It's like a picture book, our notebook to bring order among the countless fanart that we drew for this beautiful show. And much more!
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