sabato 31 ottobre 2015

Hanniween 2015 - Exoterism version

So much pumpkins to carve and cook... purple and orange clothes... and these wolf ears... this means, perhaps, that it's time to get ready for Halloween?

Of course yes! So what we will be, tonight? Knights-skeletons? Knights skeletons. I can do face painting, I'm good with art!
We can get some good photos in the city cemetery and scare people, which among other things believe that we died after jumping from the cliff. Perhaps, we will seem authentic ghosts!
Or maybe something more classical? I will be a vampire and you a werewolf! I've already the right hair color and you're already in the shoes of a lycanthrope!
See! I don't have to dye my hair or use fake teeth! I'm ready to be a vampire, I've just to find a red cape...
If you like the idea of me being a vampire... we can do complementary costumes! Me and Alana as vampires and you as victim, what do you think? So I can bite and lick you in public and... oh, you don't like this idea? But why? You will have so much attention from us!
Ok. Maybe the better thing, like in all the movies they said, is "being yourself". We are scary enough, I'm a killer, you are a werewolf, Alana is... something scary. For real, when she's angry, she's scary. Anyway, why we don't watch a movie at home, tonight? Outside there is a terrible weather, "trick or treating" is not a good idea. 
But you have to promise that Asdrubale won't be in our same house.

Happy Halloween from the cast of Exoterism!
To see the Halloween post with the "regular" character of NBC Hannibal, go HERE

Hanniween 2015

Happy halloween, fannibals!  
Obviously what I have to publish does not stop there, later I'll show you other illustrations, but we have open the day with a general overview and with wishes for a scary and hilarious night! And be careful: it's important to not accept chocolate from Mason Verger, when you do your "trick or treat" ...

giovedì 29 ottobre 2015

Exoterism - Hades and Persephone 6

 “If we never experience the chill of a dark winter, it is very unlikely that we will ever cherish the warmth of a bright summer’s day. Nothing stimulates our appetite for the simple joys of life more than the starvation caused by sadness or desperation. In order to complete our amazing life journey successfully, it is vital that we turn each and every dark tear into a pearl of wisdom, and find the blessing in every curse.”
― Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny  




 If you can't read the dialogues in the ballon, because the page is too little, remember that you can save the image in his full size... simply saving the image.

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Exoterism - Hades and Persephone 5

"But he on his part secretly gave her sweet pomegranate seed to eat, taking care for himself that she might not remain continually with grave, dark-robed Demeter."
-Homeric hymn to Demeter


With a guest appearance of an old OC of mine, Furiadoro, in the role of Demeter, and Jack Crawford in the role of Zeus.

 Con una comparsa speciale di un mio vecchio OC, Furiadoro, nei panni di Demetra, e di Jack Crawford nei panni di Zeus.


 If you can't read the dialogues in the ballon, because the page is too little, remember that you can save the image in his full size... simply saving the image.

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Exoterism - Hades and Persephone 4

 “By March, the worst of the winter would be over. The snow would thaw, the rivers begin to run and the world would wake into itself again.

Not that year.

Winter hung in there, like an invalid refusing to die. Day after grey day the ice stayed hard; the world remained unfriendly and cold.”

― Neil Gaiman, Odd and the Frost Giants



 If you can't read the dialogues in the ballon, because the page is too little, remember that you can save the image in his full size... simply saving the image.

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Exoterism - Hades and Persephone 3

“It's only awkward if you let it be.”
― Silvia Donahue




 If you can't read the dialogues in the ballon, because the page is too little, remember that you can save the image in his full size... simply saving the image.

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Exoterism - Hades and Persephone 2

 I'm in the de-details with the devil
So now the world can never get me on my level
I just gotta get you off the cage
I'm a young lover's rage
Gonna need a spark to ignite

-Fall Out Boys, My songs Know What You Did In The Dark"



 If you can't read the dialogues in the ballon, because the page is too little, remember that you can save the image in his full size... simply saving the image.

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Exoterism - Hades and Persephone 1

 “If I’m honest I have to tell you I still read fairy-tales and I like them best of all.”
― Audrey Hepburn




 If you can't read the dialogues in the ballon, because the page is too little, remember that you can save the image in his full size... simply saving the image.

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Exoterism - Hades and Persephone

And so begins a new mini-chapter, a break between a chapter and the other (and the next will be more than a hundred pages long, so it's good to take a little vacation, right?). Like all mini-chapters of Exoterism, this will be one of the "stories of the night" that Hannibal reads to his friends Alana and Will and is readable even separately from the rest of the plot of the comic, but contains one or more keys to better understand what will happen in the next chapter, then keep your eyes open for clues!
Oh, and there is also something new! Contrary to what happens with the usual chapters, the mini-chapters will be entirely colored with color pencil, without the aid of computer graphics programs. Cool, right? I got the idea thanks to one of my favorite webcomics, Africa by ARVEN92

E così inizia un nuovo mini-capitolo, una pausa fra un capitolo e l'altro (e il prossimo sarà lungo più di cento pagine, quindi va bene prendersi una piccola vacanza, no?). Come tutti i mini-capitoli di Exoterism, questa sarà una delle "storie della sera" che Hannibal legge ai suoi amici Alana e Will ed è leggibile anche in modo separato dal resto della trama del fumetto, ma contiene una o più chiavi per capire meglio cosa accadrà nel prossimo capitolo, quindi occhi aperti agli indizi!
Oh, e c'è anche una novità! Al contrario di come accade con i normali capitoli, i mini-capitoli saranno interamente colorati con i colori a matita, senza l'ausilio di programmi di grafica computerizzata. Fico, vero? Ho avuto l'idea grazie ad una delle mie serie a fumetti preferite, Africa di ARVEN92

Index of the mini-chapter: 

 If you can't read the dialogues in the ballon, because the page is too little, remember that you can save the image in his full size... simply saving the image.

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mercoledì 28 ottobre 2015

Three Bloody Gentlemen - Part 5 (pages 27-32)

Fishing family

Sequel of Going my way?
We have to explore all the fourth season possibilities, right? And I'm that artist who tries to explore the ones in which everyone is happy forever.
And what if Will's family adopts the cannibal? It would be the start of a serious of amusing situations... can you imagine him cooking for them, buy new furnitures for their house (and a lot of antlers) and going with the to fish?
It would be a pretty dangerous situation, thinking that Hannibal sent Francis Dolarhyde to kill Will's family, but it's not too much "extreme" if we think that this is the way in which Will don't have to choose between them, so Hannibal don't have to be jealous.
Oh, and Walt adopts a cat.

lunedì 26 ottobre 2015

Killer pack

The complete protagonist pack from the webcomic Exoterism , "Le Malanove" (it means "the Bad News" in Calabrian dialect).
I know it is still early (we just completed the prologue and we are starting the first chapter) but I couldn't resist the idea of draqing the pack as it will be only far ahead, about in chapter 7.
We can see Hannibal (the human, he is incapable of shape-shifting and, paradoxically, the most bloodthirsty), Will (the Alpha of the pack, just behind Hannibal), Margot (the beta, the female lycan who is standing up) and, on four legs, Molly (the Alpha female, wife of Will). On the background there is Asdrubale, half dog and half werewolf, without a role in the pack (maybe pet?).
The victims are vampires.


Werewolf!Will, Hannibal Lecter and Alana Bloom.
Just after the mini-chapter, the next chapter of my webcomic  Exoterism,  will be "Masquerade".
Can you try to explain the symbolism of this illustration? It will be better explained on the next chapter, but in the meanwhile...

venerdì 23 ottobre 2015

Exoterism - Illustration collection 2

Another little collection of illustrations related to the world of Exoterism, a webcomic settled in an AU where Will Graham is a werewolf.

1. King of the mountain
With Alana and Hannibal on the bottom of the mountain XD
2. Naked half-transformed Werewolf!Will. Because I love to draw naked people.

3. Half-transformed Were!Will and... pocket!Hannibal (from another AU, of course in Exoterism Hannibal is normal sized)
4. A little exercise with the perspective: Alana Bloom and Werewolf!Will.

giovedì 22 ottobre 2015

Collab - Mirroring

 And though you turn from me to glance behind, the phantom of the opera your therapist is there
inside your mind.
Those who have seen your face
draw back in fear.
I am the mask you wear,
it's me they hear... 

Yes, I was listening to the Phantom of the Opera while coloring this...

Lineart by @dargason-under-the-fantasiaand color by me.

Hey, Fannibals! Wanna color a lineart? There is this awesome project, the #fannibalcoloringbook that permits you of choosing linearts from different, awesome artists, and coloring them! Go check it: Fannibalcoloringproject
Also, I have a collection of free-to-color Hannibal-themed linearts too, in this blog: Colorable linearts

Exoterism - End of the prologue

And finally Exoterism has reached the end of its forty-page prologue.
It was ... interesting, I think. We started to see and know the characters, we understand how the main character has become a werewolf, and we began to see a pattern.
But now comes the fun part, the real story begins. That is, actually before we will have a little stop, a mini-chapter, which I hope will be interesting, about the legend of Hades and Persephone. Stay tuned! This is my howl.

In the next chapter:
 Jack Crawford, Will's boss, will try to make his life impossible.
Hannibal seems more and more gay. But maybe not.
Werecats, spirit wolves, Asdrubale that will become a man and a hodgepodge of animals.
The world is different from what Will expected: everyone recites the role of something they aren't in this crazy masquerade.
 E finalmente Exoterism è giunto alla fine del suo prologo di quaranta pagine.
È stato... interessante, credo. Abbiamo iniziato a vedere e conoscere i personaggi, abbiamo capito come il protagonista è diventato un licantropo, e abbiamo iniziato ad intravedere una trama.
Adesso però arriva il bello, inizia la vera storia. Cioè, in realtà prima avremo un piccolo stop, un mini-capitolo, che spero sarà interessante, sulla leggenda di Ade e Persefone. Rimanete sintonizzati! This is my howl.

Nel prossimo capitolo:
 Jack Crawford, il capo di Will, cercherà di rendergli la vita impossibile.
Hannibal sembra sempre più gay. Ma anche no.
Gatti mannari, spiriti lupi, Asdrubale che si trasforma e un guazzabuglio di animali.
Il mondo è diverso da quello che Will si aspettava: tutti recitano il ruolo di ciò che non sono in questa folle masquerade.


 If you can't read the dialogues in the ballon, because the page is too little, remember that you can save the image in his full size... simply saving the image.

Exoterism The Comic

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mercoledì 21 ottobre 2015

Exoterism - Page 40

You told I had the eyes of a wolf
Search them and find the beauty of the beast
-Nightwish, Beauty of the Beast




 If you can't read the dialogues in the ballon, because the page is too little, remember that you can save the image in his full size... simply saving the image.

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Collab - True colors

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

- Cindy Lauper, True colors

I wanted to color another lineart, when someone on twitter asked me "who is that great fannibal artist who draws Hannibal with huge arms and shoulders?". Eliosu. Of course is Eliosu.
And then the idea: why don't color her lineart from the Fannibalcoloringbook project?
And here it is!
Lineart by Eliosu and color by me. 

As soon as I saw the lineart, I have done the association with this beautiful song, "True Colors". And by the way, here's a link to my favorite version of this piece: Foxamoore - True colors

Hey, Fannibals! Wanna color a lineart? There is this awesome project, the #fannibalcoloringbook that permits you of choosing linearts from different, awesome artists, and coloring them! Go check it: Fannibalcoloringproject
Also, I have a collection of free-to-color Hannibal-themed linearts too, in this blog: Colorable linearts

Exoterism - Like us on Facebook!
It's official: from today you can follow the adventures of the emphatic werewolf and his cannibal therapist also on facebook!
Like us on: Exoterism
It will help you to keep track of all the updates, contests and curiosities about the webcomic!